ESL: Intermediate Level
    The Tennessee Department of Education has set the following expectation of its ELL students:

Goal 2: To use English to achieve academically in all content areas.
    Standard 3: Students will use appropriate learning strategies to construct 
                        and apply academic knowledge.

    The Intermediate Student has achieved some competence in listening and

speaking comprehension.  Students at this stage are able to use more sophisticated

communications in social settings, but may still have a limited receptive vocabulary

in terms of academic language. Now that students can gather meaning from the

language they hear and see in the classroom, they should focus on learning

about how the parts of language work together.  Here are exampls of

content that your student will be studying: 


            People, Places, Things, Animals, Ideas

Common Nouns                                        Proper Nouns

girl                                                            Anna

boy                                                           John

school                                                      Parkway Elementary

store                                                        Walgreens


                    Pronouns take the places of nouns.
                    Pronouns can also show possession.

Subject Pronouns                                    Object Pronouns

        he                                                              him
        she                                                            her
        they                                                           them      
         we                                                             us  
          I                                                               me
        you                                                            you
          it                                                               it 

* Pronouns in purple can be used as either subject or object     

                          Possessive Pronouns

     mine        yours        his        hers        ours        theirs


                      Action verbs show what characters do.                 

                run            jump        play        laugh        talk          throw
                walk           eat          look         read          write        skip

                cry             ride          sit            tap           grow        hear

Parents, visit the following webcite to see helpful powerpoints about the eight parts of speech:

    Intermediate level ELL students should continue to practice

automatic recognition of Dolch Words and high frequency

vocabulary.  These are words students should read quickly

without sounding out.  Here is a list of Dolch sight words

appropriate for ELL students at the intermediate level.

Intermediate Level Sight Words List:

always          call       made            only          write

about           does      laugh           these         your

because       don't      off                those

before          first        myself          together

clean           goes       sing             which

Students, visit this site to practice more content specific academic vocabulary. Please use your teacher's name in a search to locate relevent key term lists.